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"mold testing in" Services in Muhlenberg Park, PA has been our specialty.

Muhlenberg Park, PA "mold testing in" Services Done Right!
Choose a local Muhlenberg Park, PA company that handles "mold testing in" Services
If you need "mold testing in" Services help..Call (717) 843-1753
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About First Capital Insulation, Inc.
First Capital Insulation, Inc. was established in 1982 by Patricia and Roland Cumor, starting the business by installing insulation on mechanical systems. In 1984 First Capital Insulation, Inc. expanded its services into the asbestos removal business including mold testing in services and servicing the Muhlenberg Park, PA area. As environmental regulations continued to change, First Capital Insulation, Inc. also continued to expand its services by offering mold testing in as well as asbestos building inspections, lead paint remediation and mold remediation. For exceptional services in the Muhlenberg Park, PA area, please call (717) 843-1753.
What Makes Us Unique?
"First Capital Insulation, Inc. has developed a wide range of customers over the years, taking on the mission that no job is too small or too large. We offer excellent mold testing in services in the Muhlenberg Park, PA area, call (717) 843-1753 today. Our wide range of customer base is from small residential projects to large commercial projects ranging from a couple hundred dollars to $1.5 million. Besides the residential and commercial market, First Capital Insulation, Inc. performs its mold testing in services in schools, industrial facilities, government facilities (local, state and federal), hospitals and water/waste treatment plants in the Muhlenberg Park, PA area. First Capital Insulation, Inc. are members of our local Chamber of Commerce, York County Economic Development, ABC Keystone Chapter & ASA Central PA. Nationally, First Capital Insulation, Inc. are members of NIA and EIA. Call First Capital Insulation, Inc. today at (717) 843-1753. "
bottom of unique
- Asbestos - Abatement
- Asbestos - Testing
- Mechanical Insulation
- Mold Testing & Assessment
- Toxic Lead - Abatement
- Toxic Lead - Testing
- Toxic Materials and Mold - Removal
Welcome to First Capital Insulation, Inc.

Definition - Mold Remediation & Removal:

To have a professional first identify the location and extent of a mold hazard in your home (or any structure), followed by the process of removing and/or cleaning up any mold (or mildew) from an indoor environment.  Some typical remedies for mold removal include sunlight, ventilation, and household cleaning products, but your best move is to hire a professional.  It is estimated that about 40% of homes in America have some kind of mold problem.


Contact First Capital Insulation, Inc.

Thank you for visiting our mold testing in website. Please contact us with any questions or comments about our mold testing in products or services.



First Capital Insulation, Inc.
300 Hudson Street
York ,  PA   17403
(717) 843-1753

We would love to solve your mold testing in needs and provide you a Service unlike any other company in Muhlenberg Park, PA could.